MindMi™ system is the best choice for you

Please read a selection of testimonials which will tell you more about the benefits of our system.

Prof. Florian Colceag, PhD
Professor, Mathematician

” An objective psychological assessment, especially when it comes to children, to early identification of their fabulous mental potential, is today a desideratum. We cannot talk about education and progress by further relying on approximate evaluation methods, which require long management times, but especially numerous staff assigned to the dissemination of their results and their interpretation, etc. The most vulnerable part here will always be the subjectivity of test batteries, in that they cannot faithfully capture brain behaviors, such as the intimate aspects of brain functioning, hence a whole chain of inadequacies that cannot convey a real picture of human potential.

Fortunately, in this chapter, Romania has today an enormous chance that it can share with the whole world, a true paradigm shift in psychological assessment. I have sought to complete this remarkable evaluation process, even from the results of the first tests that Mr. Dumitru Grigore, the inventor of the MindMi™ System, shared it to me about eight years ago. We then engaged together in a difficult, exciting work, discovering along the way, as experiments with this system continued, that we are in front of an instrument capable of capturing just the issues that are hard to probe with classical batteries the subtle behaviors of the brain that confirm, among other things, the theory of positive disintegration launched by Kazimir Dabrowsky, the fractal distribution of intelligences, but also a whole series of parameters identified by projective methods using professional electroencephalographic instruments, which outline a realistic picture of the examinee in all his native and experiential valences.

Knowing the seriousness and professionalism of the Psychometric Systems team in Cluj-Napoca, I wish to continue this exciting research that will surely demolish outdated prejudices in psychology, providing the professionals of this guild with an advanced, rapid, non-invasive and objective assessment tool. “


Iulian Mangalagiu
CEO, Brikston Construction Solutions SA

“Having been the CEO for more than 10 years in a company with more than 200 employees, I know very well how difficult it is to find the right man in the right place. And after all, … I think this is a small secret of an organization’s performance; to find the candidate who best identifies the job. There are people “made” for certain positions, and my role is to have this ability to identify them. Usually in the first interviews, more about knowledge and experience is discussed than about abilities, and it is quite difficult to finally determine them during the recruitment process. Recruitment agencies, due to the use of electronic platforms, have abandoned the good practice of psychologically evaluating candidates before recommending them, which makes decisions often based on experience and knowledge rather than skills and compatibility with the rest of the organization. The MindMi™ system I have been using for about 2 years has helped me a lot to get a quick picture of the features, skills and personalities of the candidates, who are less and less involved in the classical recruitment process in the last 10 years.

I cross the results with another psychological assessment method to confirm the result obtained with MindMi™ in the recruitment processes. Thus, with the reports generated by this device, the choices they make have proved to be of great help in recruiting staff. Being a very easy-to-use and understandable system and generating reports for less than a minute make MindMi™ a real and effective decision support.”

Diana Nițescu
Project Manager , Olimpicii Petrom

”Being 1% ahead of time is a criterion for performance and professionalism that we apply to the day.

When I found MindMiTM, I felt that it had that 1% extra in addition to the rest of the tools: access to the original potential, innovation, ease, speed and clarity of the information. With MindMiTM we have already given over 100 people the taste for SELFCOGNITION.”

Nicoleta Grama
Specialist in Clinical Psychology, Family &Couple Therapist

“I was fascinated by the MindMi™ System ever since its first use, amazed by the rapidity with which the individual psychological profile (temperamental, aptitude, cognitive, social) could be drawn. I use the MindMiTM System in the clinical field with a high applicability in assessing different age groups. I consider it to be one of the most complete, complex and useful psychometric instruments with a high degree of fidelity, the evaluation being carried out in a very short time (incomparable with other psychometric instruments), the interpretation is immediate, and the psychological profile is complex and accurate.

MindMiTM is a psychometric tool with a wide applicability in all branches of psychology, collapsible on all age groups, non-invasive, safe, fast, complex and friendly at the same time. “

Prof. Sebastian Văduva PhD
Dean, Griffiths School of Management

“The deciphering of the depth psychological profile of a person or the determination of the real psychological potential of a person has been, for many years, an area that burned many wings of the most daring researchers who decided to investigate the subject. However, the courage of the CPS team demonstrates that the science of psychometrics is a living body, evolving every day to new horizons and becoming more challenging in the attempt to enable us discover the hidden sides of the human psyche. We like using the MindMi™ system both to properly train our HR management students and to collect very useful research data. In our opinion, the advantages of the system are that it is user friendly, the secure data storage and last, but not least: the opportunities it offers for measuring a wide range of psychological parameters. It is also worth mentioning that the programming of the MindDeck™ online platform in different ways, allows very exciting and diverse experimental designs of psycho – profession charts.”

Prof. Corina Zaharia PhD
Chief of Management and Legislation Dept., Bucharest Institute for Public Order Studies

“I use the MindMi™ System, in my practice of clinical psychology, since 2 years ago, when I have met its inventor: Mr Grigore Dumitru. After assessing more than 1000 subjects over the years, I can say, without doubt, that the system is superior to paper-and-pencil tests, economical in terms of time and particularly useful for measuring a plurality of psychological aspects, with a single or few examination of the patient. During time, the system was constantly expanded and yet the technical reliability of the equipment was not affected due to the outstanding professionalism of the company’s technical team. I therefore consider this collaboration as a very challenging, constructive and pleasant experience that I look forward to continuing in the coming years!”

Nicușor Udrea
Psychologist, Giurgiu Penitentiary

“I know the MindMi™ system for about 4 years. I consider the system unique because it is very rapid to apply and completely objective. No subject can influence the results of the psychological assessment by subjective or experiential approaches, and that could be a “blessing” in a prison environment. Thereby, MindMi™ can also prove to be a good instrument for collecting data on the incarcerated population. Both psychologists and examinee’s can easily learn how to use this tool, which is practically adapted to all types of human subjects, no matter of the subjects’ intellectual capacity or education. As such, I recommend the MindMi™ system as a reliable instrument which can demonstrate, in a short time, its efficiency in the social rehabilitation of incarcerated persons.”

Camelia Radu
Vocational Counsellor, Trainer

“I started to use MindMi™ system more than four years ago in my work with vocational counselling, individual and group diagnosis, but also in development of general competencies. I often use this friendly, warm, close and noninvasive instrument as a real support for people that are not a fan of tests, helping them to get pass the inhibition and fear of being assessed. Furthermore, using MindMi™ on a constant basis, other colleagues and students felt really supported in modelling excellence in all their life areas, not just the professional one. MindMi™​ can be used in schools, organizations, as well as in private offices. Even if you want to find out what specific learning type your child has, as a parent, or if you want to know what kind of competencies to grow in your team, as a manager, MindMi™ can help you in a tremendous way, bringing enthusiasm, delight and joy for the examinee as well as the examiner.”

Ștefan Alexandrescu
Consultant in Communication Strategy and Human Resources

“Dumitru Grigore made an excellent analysis of my personal profile with the software developed for MindMi™ in 2008, when I met him, at a fair. MindMi™ is one of the best psychometrical instruments I have ever encountered. Its Alpha’s Cronbach, I think, is of .97 or so, which is absolutely remarkable. The kind of technology and epistemology that his evaluation software uses is able to revolutionize the fusion between HR, neurology and technology, on the pathway to a neurological explanation of the psychology of personality. Definitely an extraordinary tool for the organizations.“

Prof. Marius Băcescu, PhD
Full member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists

“Many strenghts can be mentioned in appreciation of MindMi™ system. Perhaps the most important of its uses is in demonstrating that the true worth of a person is not to be sought in the environment or events, but especially in the inborn potential of that person, in the deeper part of our being that we inherit from our parents. MindMi™ can accurately show that a person with more qualities is not always the best option for a certain position, compared to someone who meets the specific demands, aspirations and required skills. In other words, MindMi™ can recommend the right person for the right place. This psychometric system answers in a competent and evidence-based manner not only to questions such as “Who am I?” or “Who are you?”, but also to the question “What are we good at?”. We are therefore facing a remarkable scientific achievement with an undeniable significance in the new paradigm of cognitive society we are heading towards, and in the eye of a few distinguished and ambitious researchers who have developed and used this system for the benefit and progress of humanity.”

Dipl. Eng. Lucia Viorica Avașan

“I started using MindMi™ since its prototype phase, almost five years ago, to test gifted children in selection programs. Over time we have seen the accuracy of results obtained with this system compared to similar tests, given that children are subject to a battery of standard tests. We found the system very rewarding when using it for professional adult assessment, individually, or for interpersonal and group compatibility analysis, in organizations. In time, we were able to benefit from the new elements introduced by the inventor of the system, Mr. Grigore Dumitru, elements that have expanded the system’s facilities, maintaining its high level of quality and accuracy.”

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