” An objective psychological assessment, especially when it comes to children, to early identification of their fabulous mental potential, is today a desideratum. We cannot talk about education and progress by further relying on approximate evaluation methods, which require long management times, but especially numerous staff assigned to the dissemination of their results and their interpretation, etc. The most vulnerable part here will always be the subjectivity of test batteries, in that they cannot faithfully capture brain behaviors, such as the intimate aspects of brain functioning, hence a whole chain of inadequacies that cannot convey a real picture of human potential.
Fortunately, in this chapter, Romania has today an enormous chance that it can share with the whole world, a true paradigm shift in psychological assessment. I have sought to complete this remarkable evaluation process, even from the results of the first tests that Mr. Dumitru Grigore, the inventor of the MindMi™ System, shared it to me about eight years ago. We then engaged together in a difficult, exciting work, discovering along the way, as experiments with this system continued, that we are in front of an instrument capable of capturing just the issues that are hard to probe with classical batteries the subtle behaviors of the brain that confirm, among other things, the theory of positive disintegration launched by Kazimir Dabrowsky, the fractal distribution of intelligences, but also a whole series of parameters identified by projective methods using professional electroencephalographic instruments, which outline a realistic picture of the examinee in all his native and experiential valences.
Knowing the seriousness and professionalism of the Psychometric Systems team in Cluj-Napoca, I wish to continue this exciting research that will surely demolish outdated prejudices in psychology, providing the professionals of this guild with an advanced, rapid, non-invasive and objective assessment tool. “